Maven Publishing
Een ‘maven’ is iemand die zich graag helemaal verdiept in een bepaald onderwerp en zeer gedreven is om die kennis door te geven aan anderen.
Maven Publishing

Maven Publishing is een uitgeverij gespecialiseerd in het toegankelijk maken van wetenschappelijke kennis over menselijk gedrag. Maven Publishing geeft boeken, e-boeken en luisterboeken uit en organiseert Club Maven.

Maven Publishing

Maven at Work vertaalt de belangrijkste wetenschappelijke inzichten over menselijk gedrag naar bruikbare kennis en kunde voor bedrijven en professionals. Samen met wetenschappers, experts, hr-professionals, trainers en acteurs geven we advies en organiseren we webinars, trainingen, workshops en keynotes.

Het team
Emma Punt
Emma Punt
Sander Ruys
Sander Ruys
Lydia Busstra
Lydia Busstra
Gabina Veltkamp
Gabina Veltkamp
Julie van Kleef
Julie van Kleef
Hugo van Doornum
Hugo van Doornum
Greta Le Blansch
Greta Le Blansch
  • Maven Publishing
  • Kromme Mijdrechtstraat 110-4
  • 1079 LD Amsterdam
  • +31 (0) 20 7371065
Besteladres Nederland
  • Centraal Boekhuis
  • Erasmusweg 10
  • 4104 AK Culemborg
  • +31 (0) 345 475866
Besteladres België
Auteurs over maven
Mary Roach
Mary Roach

‘I have only praise -- heartfelt, fizzy, gigantic praise! -- for Maven Publishing. Both the editors and the publicity staff have been outstandingly attentive, enthusiastic, thorough, sensible, smart. funny, and likable. They caught errors that no one else had noticed. They displayed a professionalism that one often does not see with foreign translations, emailing me to be sure they had understood the nuances of my sometimes peculiar humor and that the references to cultural specifics were accurate. They are, to my mind, the perfect publisher. ’

Ian Robertson
Ian Robertson

‘‘Of all the publishers I have worked with, without doubt Maven has been the one with the best personal attention, enthusiasm and commitment by the editorial team – but above all, sheer effectiveness and professionalism. Maven is quite unique in the way it promotes the book and makes the author feel part of a team who are actively advocating for the book.’

Clive Thompson
Clive Thompson

‘‘Maven published the Dutch edition of my book, and they did an absolutely wonderful job of it. Not only did they pull off a top-notch translation and lovely book design, but they worked hard to arrange excellent publicity for the book – including a packed live event and interviews with major media around the country. When my next book comes out, I’d be honored if Maven were again the Dutch publisher!’’

Lone Frank
Lone Frank

‘Of the several different international publishers who have published my latest two books, there is no doubt that Maven Publishing is the most enthusiastic and innovative. In particular, Maven is refreshingly new in the game - in the sense that old routines are not allowed to stand in the way of novel approaches. With its small size, Maven is not only close to its authors but is able to move fast and be flexible - two very important factors in today's publishing world.’

Viktor Mayer-Schönberger
Viktor Mayer-Schönberger

‘‘With “Big Data” an international bestseller and a global success (translated in 20 languages), I have met and worked with over a dozen leading publishing houses around the world. Many of them were competent, some of them were in fact very good. But the one publisher I liked working with most was Maven Publishing. You were pro-active, responsive, competent, and effective. But most importantly you were thinking – thinking creatively how to position and market the book, thinking about the best marketing strategy, thinking about how to connect. Working with you was a treat, and I can only hope that I have the opportunity with my next book to do so again.’’

Nicholas Carr
Nicholas Carr

‘I would recommend Maven enthusiastically to any author. The Maven staff were a pleasure to work with, they moved quickly and expertly to translate and publish my book, and they put together one of the best marketing efforts I've seen from any of the publishers I've worked with.’

Amanda Gefter
Amanda Gefter

‘‘Working with Maven has been an incredible experience. Sander, Lydia and Emma invested so much time, energy and brain power into publishing and promoting my book. When they brought me over to Amsterdam, they had arranged a seamless, highly effective and fun promotional tour that was creative and out-of-the-box. They got the book in the hands of the right media and in front of the right audience, making what might otherwise have been seen as a difficult physics book a bestseller. But far more important to me is that they seemed to really get what I was trying to do as an author. They weren’t coming at it purely as a marketing machine; rather, they genuinely cared about and understood my vision for the book– both the science and the art of it– and they ran with that vision, going above and beyond. The level of personal attention and expertise they provided was unparalleled in my experience — and they are warm, lovely people to boot!’’

Mark Geels

‘Sinds 2013 publiceren wij samen met Maven Publishing de jaarlijkse essay bundel 'Nederland in Ideeen'. In deze bundel komen wetenschappers, kunstenaars, politici en journalisten samen rondom één thema. Het werken met het team van Maven is zeer prettig en bevredigend. Een groot inhoudelijke kennis wordt gekoppeld aan een zeer goede redactie. Binnen onze pool van 400+ auteurs die meeegewerkt hebben aan Nederland in Ideeen wordt vaak een groot compliment gegeven op dit punt. Tenslotte heeft Maven door de focus op output kwaliteit ipv kwantiteit meer tijd voor goede marketing en events. Deze zijn van hoog niveau door het brede netwerk dat het team met zich meebrengt. Wij kunnen Maven van harte aanbevelen’

Eldar Shafir
Eldar Shafir
Auteur van Schaarste

‘Of course, one can never fully attribute things to one cause or another, but I can say that of all the international publications (about 12 so far), the Dutch has probably been our most satisfying. My trip to Amsterdam was delightful, and the press coverage, as well as spillage to other venues, including still ongoing occasional invitations, have all made it very clear that the Dutch reception of the book -- I can only assume largely aided by Maven and your excellent team — has been great. I would work with you again anytime, and would heartily recommend to others.’

Dan Ariely

‘‘I love Sander and Maven — I had a great experience with them, and I can’t imagine going anywhere else. Irrationally yours, Dan’’

Mason Currey
Mason Currey

‘I feel extremely lucky to have the Dutch edition of my book published by Maven. Alexander Ruys and his team were supremely sensitive, kind and intelligent partners. They made the book into a beautiful physical object and did a remarkable job promoting it. Throughout the process, I had complete confidence that they understood the book and were doing everything they could for its success.’

Julie Holland
Julie Holland
Auteur van Moody bitches

‘First off, I was impressed with the layout of my book, the cover, the title, the entire design was just perfect! Secondly, the publicity department did an excellent job getting me interviews and speaking engagements, and I was impressed with the professionalism of the personnel there. Lastly, when I went into Dutch bookstores to see if they had my book in stock, they were always quick to order it when they saw the publisher was Maven. You have a great reputation among booksellers for providing socially relevant content. I have recommended Maven to other American authors looking for foreign translations, and I would recommend Maven without reservations to any Dutch authors as well. I’m proud to be working with you all.’’

Stefan van der Stigchel
Stefan van der Stigchel

‘Ik heb het werken met Maven als zeer positief ervaren. Het redactieproces werd zeer serieus genomen en er is veel moeite gedaan om het boek goed onder de aandacht te brengen. Hierbij is me opgevallen dat alle journalisten Maven kennen en ook positief zijn over Maven. Onze samenwerking heeft er onder andere toe geleid dat MIT Press mijn boek nu internationaal gaat uitbrengen.’

Maven Publishing